As people get older, they might experience variety kinds of environment, meet many people, and so on. For example, when we think about the first year of an elementary school, we basically belong to one community which is a school. Once we get involved in a school community, we usually make new friends and get to know what characteristics my friends have or which hobbies they have. We recognize that having a lot in common is much easy and fast way to make friends. This is what people now call a discourse community, and I have come under some kinds of discourse community. Korean language, baking, and baseball communities are what I get involved.
First of all, Korean language, my first language, community is important to me, because I am a foreigner in this American society. So, I feel more comfortable, when I talk with friends in Korean. Since I came to the U.S.A, I have studied English and I am able to take academic courses in English. However, there sometimes have communication problems in English in terms of sharing emotion particularly. Moreover, if I would like to ensure something about official documents such as student visa, I might ask to Korean experts who are in the same community. Therefore, I consider that Korean language community is one of the important discourse communities.
In addition, a community which is composed of people who like to bake is my other favorite community. By doing baking, I feel relax and, even more, I regain my mental security when I am oppressed by worry or feel bad. Accuracy is the most important point in order to success baking bread or cake, thus, I pay more attention to measure ingredients than to concern about something. Furthermore people easily take part in a baking community which has no limit in gender, race, age, or skills, and, at the same time, there are a lot of communities on the website which enable to access easily. Almost every people have to eat to live, so this community members share more broadened information which is related to our life than the other communities.
At last, baseball community is also my favorite discourse community. I believe that sports have special ability to gather people, and moreover, it has strong power, if people cheer for a special team or a person. I am a fan of New York Yankees, so I have conversations with other fans through Internet, and share lots of information only with the team. Although I have problem with communicating in English at odd times, I may compensate this matter by knowing much about the team. Most sports fans are always welcome to someone who is interested in their team or a person. For those reason, I like to be a member of baseball discourse community.
Those three sections are my favorite discourse communities, and I believe that belonging to some specific discourse community makes me profession in that field. In addition, the sense of belonging encourages people to get more interests and vitalize to their life. The more people get involved in discourse communities, the more they can improve the quality of their life.
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